Too late.
I was so wrong, it looked great. Seen with his apple of a girlfriend Mini these treats really go to show the detail that can go into a simple treat to make it look great.
This lead me to believe that maybe Asakusa was well known for these treats and that’s why they had them all over the place. Then I started seeing Sembei stands in more places, and I found more and more varieties of Sembei in stores all over the place. I even found boxes of fancy and expensive Sembei in department store basements.
I’ve discovered that upon a return trip to Japan I could easily write an entire book about the many varieties of Sembei available here. It’s really very ridiculous. It’s not even that the varieties are just crackers with different toppings either, there are soft ones, hard ones, really hard ones, sweet ones, the list goes on an on.
I don’t really know if this is the ultimate Japanese snack, but I do know it’s one of the most common.
Many of the treats are beautiful in appearance, and some taste great as well.
You can pretty much find Red Bean in just about any candy store large or small. If you go to 7-11 or if you go to one of the finer shops in Ginza you’re pretty much guaranteed to find something with red beans in it.
Well I took a little walk around the down town neighbourhood.
Saw this great window decal on the 100-yen shop.
Found this great cake and fruit shop with yummy looking treats and fruit.
But the main reason I made the trip was to meet up with Yukari Sakamoto a chef, writer and all around Japanese food expert. She was nice enough to sit with me and give me all kinds of tips about the book I’m working on right now. She also gave me some great tips about general eating here in Japan. She just finished writing a book all about Japanese foods perfect for anybody that’s planning a trip out here in the future.
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