Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Another Easter Review Because It’s Easter Soon
8:09 PM
Religious Holiday = Chocolate Eggs and Bunnies = ?
7:25 PM
Here's a brief explanation as to why we eat chocolate treats on Easter.
Chocolate Obsession
5:05 PM
The man in this article took his love for chocolate about as far as any one person could. He decided he loved it so much that he would make it his entire life's work. I love chocolate, sure, but I also like gummies, ice cream, and just about any other sweet treat available. So I have the commitment, but not the focus.
Fixed Prices on Chocolate Bars!
3:39 PM
Apparently the store chain Supervalu has filed a lawsuit against many of the large chocolate bar companies claiming that they've fixed prices over the last few years. If this is true you are going to see one really ticked off Candy Critic.
Chocolate Allergy
2:49 PM
So as it turns out there may be some people in this world that are allergic to chocolate (or at least part of what makes up chocolate bars). If I developed this allergy I think I'd have to just learn to deal with the symptoms because I don't think I can stop eating chocolate.
Nestle Is Spreading
1:01 PM
Apparently Nestle just expanded their Middle East operations with a new factory in Dubai. So cool to know that people all over the world love candy too.
It's Not Really New News, But It's Still Good News
11:30 AM
Here's yet again another article talking about the fine health qualities of chocolate.
A Stuffing My Face, Easter Celebration, Cadbury Goo Releasing Problem Solved.
11:15 AM
In the last week I’ve had a whole lot on my plate. First and foremost Easter is coming and I like to celebrate this holiday as much as I can. Second I’ve started this series of weekly posts where I stuff my face with various foods and write about it. Finally the folks at Cadbury have been really generous to me this Easter all in hopes that I would promote their Release the Goo promotion.
So in a flash of brilliance I found a way in one post/action that I could fit all of these criteria into one post. As you guessed it, I have stuffed my face with Cadbury Easter Crème Eggs, 3 to be exact. Allison was on hand because she was fairly certain that I might choke to death. It went fairly well during the actual consumption of the eggs. The chocolate melted quickly and filled my mouth with a chocolate/crème concoction that was pretty tasty and smooth. The only problem that came about in this adventure happened about an hour later when I started getting a tummy ache. I’m sure even the people at Cadbury would agree that eating 3 eggs simultaneously is probably not a good idea.
Beware The Chocolate Cow
9:48 AM
African Chocolate... Not Just African Cocoa
9:00 AM
All I had to do is read the first question in this interview and I was hooked into this interview with a famous African chocolatier.
"Africa is the continent that produces the most cocoa, yet it is not known for its chocolate. Why?"
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Dino Egg Hunt
4:53 PM
I've never thought of mixing the idea of a Dinosaur Egg with a Chicken Egg at this time of year. But why not, I mean it's already strange that we get eggs delivered by a bunny, why can't they be dinosaur eggs.
Extreme Foods
1:54 PM
Here’s an interesting list of some pretty extreme foods. Strange how all of these “extreme” foods are meats. There are no extreme vegetables to be found at all, what about hot peppers? Candy is also noticeably absent from the list however they do mention grasshoppers and occasionally they come chocolate coated.
Click here to see the list.
Click here to see the list.
A Look At Snickers
12:55 PM
I'm not sure why, but Advertising Age magazine seems to be looking back at old ad campaigns and digging up some great history on products. Yesterday I found the history of the Twinkie and today I found the history of the Snickers Bar. Did you know that the Snickers bar was named after a horse?
The Cocoa Fields Need Rain!
9:16 AM
No rain means low cocoa yields. Low cocoa yields means more expensive chocolate. More expensive chocolate means less chocolate for me. Less chocolate for me means... rage... building.
Monday, March 29, 2010
See Computer Nerds Are Smart
8:59 PM
If you look at the high end candy market today you'll notice a little trend. This trend is that people who used to work at successful high end (and high profit) computer related places are starting to try out the chocolate market. I'm not saying a boom is in sight but... well actually I am saying just that.
A Collection Of Geek Cakes
6:05 PM
Stumbled upon a great little collection of geek related cakes and pastries that makes me want to play Space Quest and munch down a bunch of chocolate frosting... Oh high school, I miss you so.
The Title of the Article Should be a T-Shirt
5:28 PM
"Easter Candy Not Sweet Enough? Add More Chocolate." I read a little further on a saw that this article is a recipe for some kind of Easter snack, but wow what a title.
Feeling Bad About the Economy?
5:10 PM
It appears one of the most popular ways to deal with these bad economy blues is to treat yourself to a sweet treat now and again. Personally I don't need a bad economy to convince me to enjoy a treat now and again, all I need is to be awake.
Hey Man, You Got Any Sugar?
3:22 PM
I've heard that some schools have banned sweet treats in the lunch rooms but really I didn't think it was this extreme.
Worlds Largest Easter Bunny Consumed
3:05 PM
The only thing that makes me happier than reading about the worlds largest (any food substance) is to read about how people have eaten them. In this case the worlds largest Easter bunny was consumed by hundreds of underprivileged kids, so it's extra special.
This Man Hates Tootsie Rolls
2:48 PM
I don't really understand his pure hatred for these treats, and I can't figure out why he would compare Tootsie Rolls to chocolate bars. But I guess all are entitled to their own opinion.
Proof Of Junk Food Addiction?
1:34 PM
Apparently some lab studies have proven that junk food might actually be an addiction. They ran tests on rats, fed them junk food, and then found that they would rather starve than eat healthy food afterwards. I'm sure there'll be more science and more tests to prove this theory, all I know is I really want to be a lab rat right now.
The Folks at Trident Sent Me a Few Samples
11:47 AM
Gummy Bears Light Up My Life
10:48 AM
Mini Eggs All Over School
10:16 AM
The History of The Twinkie
9:00 AM
Ever wanted to know where they got their name, who invented them, and why they changed from banana to vanilla filling?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A Few Extra Updates This Week.
5:44 PM
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Cadbury Bunny Came Early This Year
9:52 PM
For those that don't know what "oeuf fondant" means... well I'm not really sure what it means directly but I do know that it happens to be what you call a Cadbury Creme Egg in French. It appears that the Cadbury Easter Bunny Came to my house early this year (it would also appear that the Cadbury Bunny looks a lot like my local Purolator guy too).
I got all of this great stuff in a box from this bunny and I can't wait to try it out. And the stuff I have tried I just can't wait to eat. As an added bonus I've promised the folks at Cadbury that I would attempt my own "Release the Goo" idea and that'll be coming up next week on Wednesday. All I can tell you about my idea is Allison is concerned for my well being.
They Just Don't Get It
6:00 PM
According to this article UK government food experts say that the best way to fight obesity is to lower the amount of fat and sugar in treats. I could not disagree anymore on this topic. Sweet treats and salty snacks should be taken in moderation and people should be taught that. If you lower the sugar and fat it lowers the enjoyment people get from these snacks and therefore makes them crave them even more. What the government (UK or otherwise) should focus on is the amount of sugar and fat in non-treat type foods. Do you have any idea how much sugar is in some no fat yogurt?
The Language Of Chocolate
4:48 PM
This article is a little scattered but really gets down to the details about being a true chocolate fanatic. Those that think chocolate is simple might want to read up on it, and this article's a good place to start.
Cool Easter Facts
3:24 PM
I have to say I'm pretty impressed by this list of Easter facts here:
Star Wars Candy Commercial
11:52 AM
Why I haven’t seen this before is completely beyond me. It’s one of the greatest ads ever!
A Look At The San Fransisco Chocolate Salon This Year
10:54 AM
I'd like to tell you all about this article detailing the adventures of the Chocolate Salon in San Fransisco this year but frankly I read the first paragraph, got really jealous, and then cried because I couldn't go. So I'm sure it was a good time for all and lots of great chocolate treats where presented, the only thing I can assure you is I really wanted to go.
Beware The Cheese is Two Years Old
9:55 AM
Click here to check out our sister site.
New Chocolate Passover Tradition
2:52 AM
I'm not too familiar with the detailed rules of a seder in the Jewish religion so I'm not sure if replacing all of the food you're supposed to eat with chocolate is appropriate.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Kraft Marketing In Greece
6:26 PM
This article is about an interesting way that Kraft promoted a chocolate bar in Greece. Apparently the unorthodox method not only improved sales but made something of a legend out of the treat.
You Changed Your Snacking Ways
4:21 PM
According to a study people's snacking habits have changed a whole lot recently. Some eat healthier, some eat more, some eat at home, other not so much. Basically people are eating differently and I'm happy about that. If people are willing to change, then snacks should change to, it should usher in a new dawn of snack creativity.
Candy Store in Budapest
3:00 PM
I always like seeing articles about candy stores in other countries. This one about a new store in Budapest is awesome and makes me want to travel.
Worst? No Way!
2:02 PM
Reporter Ruthie Johnson of the Houston Press wrote an article documenting the 5 worst Easter candies ever. I'd be OK with this article if she labeled it her least favorite Easter candies but she seems to think she's some kind of authority on the subject. Anybody that would put Pez and Easter Cream Eggs on a list of worst candies has some problems. First of all these candies are not that bad. Secondly there are many much worse Easter candies in this world. Do a little research and expand your candy mind before you make such a blanket statement.
Chocolate Editorial
11:51 AM
I just read this article about how to pick out the best chocolate and it wasn't bad. However if I was to give the average consumer one piece of advice on the subject I'd have to say it is totally summed up in the second paragraph. Don't be fooled by what's on the pack.
It’s Pecan Day
11:45 AM
Ad from Vintage Ad Browser.
A Little Chocolate History
11:10 AM
Ever wanted to know a little more about the history of chocolate? Well here's a great article that has a few fun historical facts. There are also many great books on the subject if you ever get the craving, and why not indulge the reading craving with a chocolate craving. It's like a double chocolate punch.
I Wonder About Reporters
9:43 AM
I wonder if sometimes reporters are more interested in writing about candy stores because they get to spend the day in a candy store eating treats than doing real work. I love candy and the candy industry, I also love hanging around candy stores and I love sampling the goods. At least I don't hide it though.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
This Is Crazy Gooey Fun!
9:46 PM
I just got an e-mail from Cadbury with two very cool pieces of news. First of all 2010 is the 35th anniversary of the Cadbury Easter Cream Egg being in Canada. Secondly the folks at Cadbury have decided to make a ridiculous mess. Both of these announcements made me smile. The details from Cadbury are bellow:
Larger-Than-Life Cadbury Creme Egg Releases its Goo in the Biggest De-Goo in Canadian History
Canada’s most popular Easter treat, the Cadbury Creme Egg, made history this week as it celebrated its 35th anniversary in Canada by releasing the goo from the biggest Cadbury Creme Egg ever seen in the country. The wacky de-gooing ceremony took place in Toronto on Friday, March 19, 2010 at the MTV Masonic Temple, in partnership with MTV Live.
Four MTV personalities were invited by Cadbury to devise their own unique, messy way to release the goo from the four feet by 2¾ feet, iconic Easter treat. Between March 3 and 14, 2010, Canadians from coast-to-coast weighed-in on the gooey fun by voting for their favourite way to release the goo. Once everyone had their say, it was Sheena Snively’s sumo smash that helped the Cadbury Creme Egg release its goo in a messy finish that was aired Wednesday, March 24, 2010 on MTV Live — just in time for Easter. You can check out all the goo from this historic event here:
One Giant Cadbury Creme Egg: Four Gooey Options – The MTV Live Challenge
In addition to Snively’s sumo smash, Canadians could vote for three other de-goo options. Daryn Jones, Host and ringleader of the MTV Live cast, proposed a medieval de-goo that put the giant Cadbury Creme Egg up against a monstrous catapult. Paul Lemieux, MTV Live Co-host known as Paul ‘The Intern,’ wanted to sweat it out with the giant Cadbury Creme Egg in a dry sauna, and Nicole Holness, MTV Live Co-host, wanted to call in the heavy machinery and tether the giant Cadbury Creme Egg treat to a crane, smashing it against the side of the MTV Canada building."
Chocolate Dealers Are Making Me Feel Guilty
4:59 PM
In this article from the BBC they research the truth behind the trade business of chocolate. It's really sad that we can't just enjoy chocolate anymore, and I don't blame the media entirely. Although they often do sensationalize things I imagine that there is a grain of truth to the child labor and other issues in the chocolate farming business. I'm not expert so I'm not sure how extensive it is, however I have one message to all the chocolate companies out there: "If you are abusing people to make your chocolate, please stop."
Sucre Has a Cool Contest Going Right Now
2:50 PM
They're selling Easter eggs with all kinds of prizes inside, however one of the prizes is really cool. One egg contains a golden ticket that will let you spend the day in a confectioners paradise. The folks at Sucre will let the winner hang out for the day in their sweet shop in New Orleans, and I'm sure taste testing will be part of the adventure.
Best Chocolate in the World?
2:10 PM
The Dallas News has a great article about one of the greatest places in the world to buy chocolate. I went to Namur Belgium a few years ago and went to a small chocolate shop to have the best experience of my life.
Candy Alternatives For Easter
1:46 PM
You'd think I'd be upset about an article suggesting alternatives to sweet treats this Easter, but you'd be wrong. First and foremost the writer suggest not eliminating sweet treats but instead cutting them down, and I'm OK with that. In fact it was a Stewart family tradition to get other cool things in our Easter basket when I was a kid and I was always overjoyed to get some Lego or art supplies instead of just candy.
More Nuts?
11:44 AM
What could make a candy critic in his 30s more happy than a cross promotion with Snickers and Mr T. It's like a match made in heaven.
Godiva Chocolate Ice Cream Truffles
11:41 AM
Godiva is coming out with a new line of chocolate truffles that have an ice cream flavour theme. Some of them are fairly regular however the Neopolitan Truffle really has my attention. I don't really know how they're going to do it and I might have to give one a sample to find out.
I Do Take Requests
10:59 AM
Philly Soda Tax
10:52 AM
If you want to read this article about a new soda tax in Philadelphia I'm OK with that. It seems pretty negative about the whole situation and I'm on board with that. The reason I'm posting it is because by reading this articles I've discovered that the mayor of Philadelphia's name is "Nutter". That put a smile on my face that won't be coming off for a while.
It’s National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day!
9:36 AM
Click here to check out an old list I made of things covered in chocolate.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wine and Peeps
8:11 PM
What wine goes with your peeps? Although this article answers that question, I have more questions that need to be answered now. Like what wine goes with my Caramilk bar, or which beer goes best with dill pickle chips? Questions open the door for more questions so often.
Microwavable S'mores!
5:14 PM
I've tried to microwave s'mores in the past and it never works out. This site apparently has a new invention that allows you to do perfectly. But I doubt it's as good as the ones I make in my fireplace.
Updating Candy Critic
3:09 PM
Easter Eggs For The Troops
2:42 PM
Where Was Chocolate Born
1:05 PM
Candy Dish Blog has a really great educational video all about chocolate. If you've ever wondered how that chocolate treat got on your table this is the perfect video for you to watch.
The Evils of Sugar
1:01 PM
Here's an interesting article about the "evils of sugar". More importantly it looks at some of the misconceptions of these evils.
Sugar Cane Crops In Florida
11:37 AM
I didn't know that Florida produced so much sugar, although according to this article it's not as much as they had hoped.
Don't Forget About Local Candy Shops This Easter
10:08 AM
This Easter make sure to check out your local candy shop to pick up snacks, that or at the very least suggest it to the Easter Bunny.
Chip and Dip Day
9:39 AM
Women and Chocolate
8:58 AM
Two articles in one day talk about womens obsession with chocolate. I'm a little disturbed by this because I too love chocolate and I wonder, am I less of a man because I love chocolate too? It just seems wrong and sexist to assume that all women love chocolate and it's about time guys came out and proclaimed their love for this great treat.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Cadbury Goes Messing With Their Candy
7:14 PM
In New Zealand they are starting to feel the affects of a global economy in the chocolate world. One of the worst aspects of this economy is the homogenization of foods (in particular candy) all in the want to save money and streamline production. Apparently several Cadbury treats in the area have been changed because they started to manufacture them in new factories outside of New Zealand. It's a sad day in the candy world, and something we should all protest.
Oakland Candy Festival
6:46 PM
If you're in Oakland on May 8th-9th then you must stop by London Square. Apparently they're having a super sweet festival with all kinds of treats.
Star News...
5:21 PM
It would appear that it's important to know that Gerard Butler really likes sweet treats. I'm happy that he does, and I know we share something in common... but is this really news?
Fruit As Motivation
4:04 PM
A school in the UK has banned teachers from giving out sweet treats to students as encouragement. They've also banned students selling sweet treats for events. It's difficult to teach kids not too eat too much junk food, however banning it wont really solve the problem.
No Bake Sales For Kids
3:35 PM
Apparently in an attempt to make kids eat healthier some schools have banned sweet treats at bake sales. In most cases it's a limit on how many bake sales can be held at a school. This limits the amount of revenue lost by some PTA groups and clubs.
Passover Treat
2:53 PM
With all of this talk about Easter treats you really don't get too many Passover treats to choose from. Well here's one that sounds great and I might even give it a try.
Scummy Raisins
2:39 PM
Boing Boing has posted a great photograph of a misprint on a bag of chocolate covered raisins.
The Candy Companies Are Joining In
12:57 PM
A few weeks ago I posted an article all about the major beverage companies joining forces to improve the types of beverages sold in schools. Well a couple of candy companies have joined the battle to try and improve the health of our youth.
Not About Being Hungry
12:50 PM
According to this article from the UK our love of food is not about hunger as much as it's about the other sense that are filled by food. It goes on to talk about ways that most people could indulge more effectively without gaining weight.
Record Making Food
11:19 AM
The Big Picture this week has a collection of photographs of record breaking events and people. Not to be missed are the worlds largest meatball, the worlds largest cup of hot chocolate, and the worlds largest cheesecake, just to name a few.
Slushy Slush
10:46 AM
Chocolate In India
9:42 AM
This article from the Times of India, really brings home the fact that high quality chocolate is a global love. I'm convinced that world peace will happen with a chocolate bar.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring Time Review
3:53 PM
Friday, March 19, 2010
Kit Kat and The Orangutan Finger
8:50 PM
Greenpeace has produced a controversial advertisement that apparently has someone opening up a Kit Kat and finding an orangutan finger in it instead of the normal yummy snack. Its supposed to point out how the palm oil in Kit Kats comes from farms that were originally rain forest (the original habitat for the apes). The spot is on YouTube, but is being taken off on a fairly regular basis.
Ban On Junk Food In Mass.
7:27 PM
I can't say I disagree with the idea of banning "junk food" from schools. When I was a kid I'd go for the junk food over a healthy snack any day. The problem I have with this is what they define as "junk food". Often this can be misleading and make people believe their eating healthy foods when really they're still consuming the same amount of sugar and fat as a regular chocolate bar.
You Can Bet On Mars
6:24 PM
Mars has apparently developed a lottery ticked based off of some of their brands. If I play said lottery and win millions the first thing I'm going to do is return the favor and buy some chocolate.
So You Like Dark Chocolate?
2:21 PM
And you've heard that it's really good for you. Here's a guide to help you pick the best quality and make sure it's still pretty healthy for you.
Airport Candy
2:02 PM
Every time I travel I always seem to buy some kind of candy in the airport. Sometimes I even buy the candy from the Airport where I'm leaving. Nothing brings me more joy than to see a small local candy company selling their treats in the airport.
Fine Art Peeps
12:29 PM
If you find yourself in Wisconsin this week make sure to check out the Peeps art show at the River Front Arts Festival. I particularly like the picture from the article I think the piece is called "Peeping Tom".
Wonka Live
11:44 AM
Chocolate Fashion
11:30 AM
Here’s a clip from a fashion show in India where all of the fashion is either inspired or might actually contain chocolate. It’s a little strange to wear your chocolate particularly in the summer but what do I know about fashion.
Girl Scout Cookie Memories
10:16 AM
So many people have a favorite girl scout/guide cookie flavor and I'm no different. I prefer the mint ones, however I'm not really nostalgic about them or anything. But apparently I'm not in the majority, this list of favorite discontinued cookies is pretty extensive. I didn't even know they had so many varieties in the first place.
QR Cupcakes
9:11 AM
Boing Boing has a post about edible QR codes on cupcakes. QR codes are those strange square bar code type things you see all over that enable your cell phone to link up to web pages by using the camera on your phone.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Maine Maple Sugar
8:44 PM
Apparently March 28th is Maple sugar day in Maine. In my house we call maple sugar day "Sunday".
Chocolate 101
5:33 PM
Seriously there's a high school that teaches the fine art of chocolate and chocolate eating. What kind of crummy education did I get?
Chocolate Salon
3:39 PM
If you're in San Fransisco on March 20th and you don't go to this event I will hate you. If you go to the event and it's awesome I will envy and hate you. It's pretty much your choice.
Candy Advertising Is Up
3:12 PM
Apparently spending on candy related advertising went up this year and as long as they're producing great ads like this one:
I'm OK with it.
Getting Ready For Easter
2:27 PM
This is a big season for candy companies large and small. This article is a great example of how a small company preps for the Easter Bunny.
Michelle Obama Targets Junk Food
1:05 PM
Michelle Obama apparently made an appeal to food producers to think more about what they put into food. She wants more nutritious foods to be maid available and sugar and salt to be taken into account as unhealthy. As much as it might surprise you I agree with her, although I think eliminating treats is a bad idea. I feel it's more important to keep people informed about what they're eating and not limiting what they can eat.
Jesus VS Cadbury Creme Egg
11:58 AM
It's pretty much what one might imagine such a battle would be.
Old Happy Meal
11:18 AM
Boing Boing has a great post about a 1 year old Happy Meal that is apparently doing just fine. It's a little gross in the fact that it's not really that gross.
Is Less Salt Better For Everybody?
9:56 AM
Kraft is apparently cutting down the sodium in many of their products and I have mixed feelings about that. See I have low blood pressure and my doctor recommends that I eat more salt. I guess it's easier for me to add salt then it would be for people to take it out.
This Bar’s Got Class
9:23 AM
Ad found on Vintage Ad Browser.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Make Your Own Easter Treats
7:37 PM
This article in the Guardian doesn't have a specific recipe exactly but the idea is really great. Rather than just going out and buying treats this year, why not make a few yourself. Chocolate and candy are fairly easy to work with (as long as you have the right tools) and if you start now you can have all kinds of great treats ready for the holidays.
Big Time Easter Shopping
5:24 PM
According to those who predict things without using crystal balls Easter sales this year are supposed to be really high. That's good news for candy makers and I hope it reflects in the quality and variety of Easter treats available this year.
Cough Cure in Chocolate
3:50 PM
Allison is home right now with a vicious cough, and that sucks. I always wonder how I can make her feel better and feel a little happier. Then I came across this article about how chocolate may be the best thing to eat with a cough. I told Allison and she's just happy to give it a try.
This Article Asks the Wrong Question About Chocolate Cheerios
2:45 PM
The article asks "would you buy chocolate Cheerios?" and I feel a better question is "where can I buy chocolate Cheerios?"
High Quality Beans
2:23 PM
Cocoa beans that is. Malaysia wants to have the highest quality cocoa beans ever and they plan on using science to prove it.
Maple Time
1:45 PM
The article bellow talks about the maple sap running in Vermont, but it's also running here in Ottawa as well. I'm so excited and I hope I can make it to a sugar bush this season to try the really fresh stuff.
Make a Mint, Selling Mint
1:00 PM
According to people who enjoy numbers sales of gum, mints, and breath fresheners have gone up by 10 percent in the last year. I find that number hard to believe because frankly the number of people I’ve run into the last year with horrible breath seems to be fairly consistent.
Healthy Treats In Theaters?
12:30 PM
Apparently there's a drive to get healthy treats in theaters and get the junk food out. If this happens I'm going to need some help keeping up with all the new movies coming out because I may never step foot into a theater again.
Click here to read about healthy theaters. (and a great picture of Nic Cage making popcorn)
Stuffing My Face
10:38 AM
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